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Planting 260 New Peach Trees
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Planting 260 New Peach Trees

The process of planting several hundred peaches is a little bit more involved than just stepping outside and picking up a shovel. Yeah, there’s still a shovel – but it definitely doesn’t start there. If you’re interested in how we got from start to finish so you can plant your own trees successfully, keep reading.

The Last Peach of Summer 2019
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The Last Peach of Summer 2019

A funny thing happened on Sunday while we were driving home from church. The phone rang with an unknown number and Tiffany dutifully answered it. A kind voice on the other end of the line asked if they could come out and pick peaches. They explained that they were from the metroplex area and were

Picking up the Pieces
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Picking up the Pieces

It was only a month ago that the peaches in the orchard were almost entirely wiped out when a hail storm swept through Stephenville. Overnight our plans went from “how we would interface with the public for the first time” to “picking up the pieces”. Damaged Branches On the hail facing side of the trees,

Tragedy Strikes | Again?! *sigh*
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Tragedy Strikes | Again?! *sigh*

When we left for vacation, we had no idea of the chaos that we would find when we returned to the orchard. We had neatly planned a 2-week window where we could take a vacation before all of the peaches started coming ripe. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it through vacation. About halfway through, we got

split pit peach
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Isn’t that just the (split) pits?

The extensive rain we’ve had in Stephenville this year has been great, but it brings with it an unfortunate problem for peaches. Split Pits. Split pit is a defect in peaches that occurs when the fruit enlarges too quickly, thereby creating a void or hollow center inside the seed or around the seed. The result