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Peach cobbler
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THE Peach Cobbler Recipe

When you bring that first flat of tree ripened peaches home, your mind is filled with possibilities. The taste and flavor of a real tree ripened peach is something that almost defies explanation and frankly anybody with any cooking experience quickly realizes what an incredible opportunity they have in their hands to create something that

Next Harvest 2023
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Next Harvest 2023

The 2022 harvest year is over. It was a hard year for all peach growers across Texas and we weren’t spared. The drought was brutally deep at the orchard. Even despite irrigating with our 45 gpm well, only one of the 8 crops of peaches grew properly. The rest of the peaches just fell off

2020 Peaches In Hindsight
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2020 Peaches In Hindsight

I’m sitting here trying to write this summary of the 2020 peach season and I’ve having a really hard time deciding where to even start. I’m certain that 2020 will always be marked as a year that was quite chaotic and confusing for all of us, but somehow in the middle of all the crazy

Peach Salsa Recipe
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Peach Salsa Recipe

With all the hail damaged peaches we’ve had this year, there has been a mountain of peaches that weren’t fit to sell, but perfect for cooking! We’ve been hard at work perfecting all sorts of peach recipes, but out of all of them one has stood out as outstanding. Peach salsa! This is a pretty

What Do I Spray On Peach Trees?
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What Do I Spray On Peach Trees?

Before we planted our first peach trees I spoke with and interviewed several veteran peach farmers. I wanted to know what they had learned the hard way. I didn’t want to make any easily avoided mistakes. The things those folks taught me have served us well, but none so much as the flat stared delivery

Winter Work in the Orchard
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Winter Work in the Orchard

The trees are dormant and barren of leaves, but there is so much work that needs to be done. It probably comes as a bit of a surprise to learn that the winter months leading up to spring are a furious storm of activity. Planting, pruning, weeding, mulching, spraying, and fertilizing all come crashing down